Checklists are always customized to your needs.
See what's included in our Residential Remodel Cleaning Services
(all rooms, kitchens and baths)
Walls cleaned of dust, dirt, scuffs and any hand/finger smudges.
Ceilings dusted and cobwebs removed as needed.
Trim; baseboards, window and door frames, handrails, mantels and other woodwork wiped
Doors wiped front, back, sides and top.
Hinges cleaned of paint, mud, etc.
Interior masonry (brick, rock, marble, etc.) vacuumed and cleaned as needed.
Tile, wood, marble cleaned appropriately. (buffing, waxing, sealing not Incl.)
Windows; adhesives and over-spray removed. Glass, tracks and frames cleaned.
Light fixtures/ceiling fans and bulbs cleaned (not just dusted).
Electrical switches and outlets cleaned.
Closet shelving, drawers and rods vacuumed and dusted.
Built in cabinets cleaned. Also, drawers removed and cleaned underneath.
Cabinets cleaned inside and out.
All shelving vacuumed, dusted and cleaned of smudges.
Drawers vacuumed and dusted. Vacuum under bottom drawers and shelves.
Doors cleaned front and back, tops and sides.
Tops of cabinets vacuumed and dusted.
Sinks, faucets, tubs and showers cleaned of excess adhesives and other debris.
Toilets Cleaned
Mirrors, shower doors and other glass cleaned.
Stickers removed from toilets, tubs and sinks.
Other (list all additional needs or special requirements)
Entry and Other Exterior Doors
Thresholds cleaned.
Exterior lights cleaned & stickers removed